Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth introduces many different characters which contributes to the combats in their way. Each character has its attributes and you want to have your favorite ones in your team during combat. Defining your party is very crucial and plays a significant role in the overall gameplay.

In this guide, you will see how to change your party members in FF7 Rebirth.
How To Change Party Members in FF7 Rebirth
There are many different characters in the game which you can accompany in your team. Although there are a few initially as the game progresses you have more options to choose from. In FF7 Rebirth, your team consists of three members who can actively participate in combat. Out of these one will be the leader. The party leader is the one who enters the war first and is the controllable character. There are two types of party members, one is frontline members and the others are backline members. The three in your team who are frontline members are the ones that you can control, however, the backline members are present during the combat but you don’t have any control over them.
Although there is an option in the main menu named “Party” however you cannot change or swap the party members by going into that option. This option only provides information about your party. To change your party members follow the below steps.
- Press the Start Button on your controller to access the main menu.
- There you will see an option named “Combat Settings“.
- Here you can switch between three different parties by pressing the L1 and R1 buttons.
- Press the Square Button on your controller to access the “Edit Party” menu for the party you want to change the members.
- In the Edit Party menu, you will see the frontline members and the backline members. To swap a backline member with a frontline member, click on the photo of the backline member and then click on the frontline member with which you want to replace it with.

In this way, you can swap the party members to edit your team. You have a considerable variety of the chracters and each character has its unique abilities and stats. Choose them the way you want to have better gameplay during combats.