There are many spells in the game Hogwarts Legacy. You can cast these spells against your enemies or you can also use some spells to interact with the game surroundings.
Levioso is also a spell you can use in Hogwarts Legacy after unlocking and learning this spell. In this guide, we will discuss how to get or unlock the Levioso in Hogwarts Legacy. So let’s get started with our guide!

Levioso spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Levioso is a spell that you can use to levitate (lift into the air) objects or enemies. You can use Levioso spell before the Basic Cast and hit an attack combo to your enemies. You can also cast it against the yellow-shielded enemies to break their yellow shield.

How to get or unlock the Levioso spell
After the Charms Class, you will get into the Defense against the Dark Arts Class main quest. In this main quest, you will learn the Levioso spell. It is a Levioso spell-training class. Professor Hecat will teach you all about the Levioso spell in this Defense against the Dark Arts Class.

To unlock the Levioso spell you will have to first learn the spell, then you will be asked to perform the Basic Cast on an object, by Professor Hecat. After you performed the Basic Cast on the object, Levioso will get unlocked to use.