It is very difficult to get Alfornada Psychic Gym in Pokemon Scarlet And Violet. But do not worry! After reading this guide, you will be able to get it very easily. So without wasting time let’s get started with our guide!

To get access to the Alfornada Psychic Gym, you first have to unlock the high jump ability of Koraidon/Miraidon by beating at least one Titan Pokémon. Once you get this ability, go southwest from Mesagoza and Cortondo.
Related: How to get King’s Rock in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Follow the path northwest to the bridge and cross it to reach West Province (Area One) Central Pokémon Center. Then, follow the path south and head inside Alfornada Cave. Go to the left side and jump up to the rocky mountain path, and follow the path (the directions of any trainer you see) until you will see the light at the top of the Cave. Once you come out of South Province (Area Six), Alfornada will be straight ahead of you. Psychic Gym will be on the eastern side of the town.