This guide will show you the Escape Simulator Wild West DLC Walkthrough in the bank. To get escape from the bank, you need to open locks and safes collect items to ultimately find out the dynamite and explore the main safe and get a path to escape. In this guide, you will find the dynamite and ultimately explode it to get escape.
Pick all the letters from the bench opposite the horse painting and the key from the drawer of the bench. Open the gate and get inside. Collect all the packages and letters. Open the Green Locker, there would be hints on the letters on the table. The code to the locker is “1514”. Get the State Steal and read the letter.

How to Open the lockers?
There will be a section of lockers on the left side near the Horse Painting when you come out of the room. First of all, you need to open locker 202, the code would be 1876. It will give you the Magnifier and the Letter.
Now open the Locker 301, the code would be “1210”. It will give you the Federal Seal.
Now open the Locker 401, the code would be “1856”. It will give you the Bank Key.

Related: Escape Simulator Wild West DLC: The Jail Walkthrough & All Token Locations
Go to the second door and open it. Pick up the Bank Seal from the left shelf on the left side of the entrance, pick up the magnet and collect the Pins, and Put the Magnifier Glass on the Machine.
Now you need to open the Table Lock by placing the stamps on the Blank paper on the table. The code will be “GOV”. Open the drawer and collect the Dollar Bills. Open the cupboard lock beside the table, the code will be “4712”. Collect Telegraph Wire, Dollar Bill and Safe Note from it. Use the magnifier machine to get the Code on the Dollar bills. Now you need to use the Telegraph to get the message by dialing the code B27. You can see the instructions to use Telegraph from the chart on the Wall on first room.
How to Open the Small Safe?
Now go to Small Safe, left side of the table in the second room and open it. To open it you need to put the magnet on it in a specific pattern.
First, place the magnet on the upper right corner, then place the magnet on the lower left corner and finally put it in the center. It will open the safe and you will get Cowbar from it.

How to Get the Scale Spring from Locker 404?
You need to open locker 404 by using codes on other lockers to get the Scale Spring.
Use Code 0 on Locker 403, Code 0 on Locker 303, and Code 0 on Locker 203, it will open locker 404 and you will get the Scale Spring from it.

How to Get Dynamite and Explode it to escape?
Get the Scale Spring from Locker 404 and put it in the Weighting Machine in the first room. Put the Packages on the weighing machine and it will reveal the code on the weighing machine. Use the code “3216” to open the lock of the safe and get the Suspicious Crate. Use the Crowbar to open it and Get the Dynamite.
Now go to the Main Safe in the Second Room, put the Dynamite on it, and light it up using the Lighter. It will explode it up and make an escape path to you.

First Token Location in the Bank
Head straight into the bank. Under the cactus plant, there would be a drawer. Open the Drawer and you can find out the Token inside it.

Second Toke Location in the Bank
After getting the token from the Drawer under the cactus plant, there you can see a horse painting on the right side, head towards it and you will get the second token.

Third Toke Location in the Bank
Opposite the horse painting, you would see a Pumpkin Pie on the safe. Pick it up and take a slice, you would get the third token.
Related: Escape simulator Wild West DLC: The Saloon Walkthrough All 8 Tokens and Puzzles

Fourth Token Location in the Bank
The fourth Token can be found on the wall of the door of Locker 103

Fifth Token Location in the Bank
Fifth Token can be found on the Telegraph Machine

Sixth Token Location in the Bank
The sixth Token can be found on the Green Racks in the First Room

Seventh Token Location in the Bank
The seventh Token can be found on the other side of the magnet.