This guide will show you the Escape Simulator Wild West DLC Walkthrough in the Jail. When the game starts, you will find yourself in the cell. You need to escape from the cell. Search around the cell and find the tools. On the hanger, remove the cap, you will find the Shiv and get the Bobby pin from the Flash. Now go to the Padlock and unlock it by entering code “127”. After entering the code put the Shiv inside it, and it will open the cell door. Unlock the door and escape from the cell.
How to get the Sherrif Badge?
After moving out of the cell, move to the right, there you will see a table. Get the key from the drawer for the second cell and open it. You will get the Map Pin from the soap and the Lock Box under the bed in the second cell.

The box can be opened by the pattern. The pattern is as follows.
- On Bird Image, push the first button from the right side.
- On Snake Image, Push the third button from the left side.
- On the Wolf Image, push the seventh button from the right side.
Related: Escape simulator Wild West DLC: The Saloon Walkthrough All 8 Tokens and Puzzles

This pattern would open the Lock Box and you will get a wooden box from it.
From the left side of the map get the Map Pin, then open the Big Drawer locked by the combinations. You need to set the combinations to unlock it. The combinations are as follows.
There are the numbers on the left Drawers of the Main Drawer and the images on the right drawers from the main drawer.
- Open the Scorpion Drawer and the 3 left drawers, this will unlock the left lock of the main drawer.
- Open the Beer Drawer, the 2000 Numbered Drawer, and the 500 Numbered drawer, this will remove the right lock of the main drawer.
- Open the Crocodile Drawer and 500 Numbered Drawer, this will remove Harold’s Hidden Holding Drawer

Solve the Map Puzzle
Search the things around to find out the Map Pins, after getting the Map Pins, you need to place them on the map in a specific pattern as follows to unlock the badge.
- Place the first pin on Otoxoco on the single house mark in the left side
- Place the second Pin to the North-West of Laurilee on the multiple-house mark.
- Place the third Pin to the North-East of Frorado on the train mark. to the North-East,
Placing the Map Pins in the above pattern will get you the Deputy Badge.

Related: Escape Simulator Wild West DLC: The Bank Walkthrough – How to find the Tokens
Solve the Chest Puzzle
Opposite to the Map, you will see a chest, to open it you need to solve the puzzle. You will get hints for this puzzle from the Letters and the pictures. You need to move and place the mark on specific locations as follows.
- Place the Mark on 7.
- Place the Mark on 11.
- Place the Mark on 2.
- Place the Mark on 5

This will unlock and open the chest and you will get Star Deputy Badge.
Solve the Rifle Puzzle
On the right side of the Chest lock near the Cactus plant, you will see two riffles in the cupboard. Open the cupboard by solving the rifle puzzle as follows
- Push the trigger of the bottom rifle twice.
- Push the trigger of the upper rifle twice.
- Push the trigger of the bottom rifle thrice.

This will open the cupboard. Now you need to solve the Revolver puzzle.
Solve the Revolver Puzzle
There will be five handles, three revolvers, and one badge in the cupboard. you need to play around with them as follows to solve the Revolver Puzzle.
- Put all the triggers upward while keeping the middle trigger downward and push the badge to move the left revolver barrel North-West.
- Put the left and the fourth handle downward and use the badge to move the right revolver to the West.
- Put the Last Handle down and push the badge to move the revolver to the South.

Solving this puzzle will give you the Sherrif’s Badge.
Solve the Badge Puzzle to Escape
On the right side of the cupboard, from where you got the Sherrif’s Badge, you will see a wooden rack fixed on the wall. You need to place the Badges on that rack by seeing the World News Herald. Place the Sherrif’s badges on the upper row and the Deputy badges on the lower row. This will give you a golden box.

After getting the golden box, you need to unlock the fireplace and open it. Enter the code “2638” to unlock it and put the wooden box inside it to get the key and escape.
All Token Locations: The Jail Walkthrough
First Token Location, Firewood near the fireplace

Second Token Location, Kettle near the fireplace

Third Token Location, Last Drawer of the Chest Table

Fourth Token Location, Handcuff’s place under the Map