Magical Mystery Machine Quest is the third Friendship Quest of Zeki in Palia. Zeki is working on a magical machine that doubles anything placed inside it. He needs the right metal bar to make the bare bones of the machine and a magical bug or fish to power up the machine. You will also get rewarded for completing this friendship quest.

Let’s head to know how to start the Magical Mystery Machine Quest and what type of metal bar and magical bug or fish you need to find to complete this quest.
How To Start Magical Mystery Machine Quest
Magical Mystery Machine Quest is a third friendship quest of Zeki which you can start on reaching friendship level 3 with him by completing his two earlier quests. At this point, you can speak with him. You will know that he is making a Magical Mystery Machine for which he needs some special materials which you need to find and bring to him so that he can complete his machine.
Finding The Right Metal Bar
He needs the right metal bar to test for his machine. He asks you to bring any metal bars except Palium. There are a lot more metals in the game like Copper Bars, Silver Bars, Gold Bars, etc. but for this quest, you only need to bring Iron Bars. Bringing any other metal bars won’t progress the quest.
How to get Iron Bar
You need to locate the Iron Ore nodes to mine Iron from them. These mining nodes can be found in Bahari Bay. After getting the Iron Ores by mining, you need to smelt them in Basic Smelter or Heavy Smelter to make Iron Bars from them. Four Iron Ores make one Iron Bar, so you need a total of 20 Iron ores to make 5 Iron Bars.
After getting 5 Iron Bars, return to Zeki with them.

Finding Magical Bug Or Fish
At this point, he comes up with the barebone of the Magical Mystery Machine and he needs a Magical Bug or Fish to power up that machine.
After 1-ingame day, you will receive a letter in your mailbox from Zeki. He asks you to find a magical bug or fish to fuel his machine. You need to find any of the below bugs or fish.
- Paper Lantern Bug
- Bahari Glowbug
- Enchanted Pupfish

Find out any of the above bugs or fish and hand over to Zeki. He will also give you a Key to his room upon handing over the magical bug or fish.
Testing Magical Mystery Machine – The Douplifier
Now heads to the Zeki room in his house to speak to him. He will tell you about his machine he named Douplifier. This machine doubles anything placed inside it. He will ask you to test it by handing over an Apple Seed to duplicate it. You need to put that into the machine and it doubles it. Lastly, he thanked you for your assistance in finding the materials to make the machine, and the quest was completed.

Magical Mystery Machine Quest Rewards

On completing the Magical Mystery Machine Quest you will be rewarded as follows.
- Key to Zeki’s Room (You will get it on handing over the Magical Bug or Fish to Zeki during the Quest)
- Rise of Friendship Level with Zeki
- 600x Gold
- 1x Star-quality Golden Salmon
- 25x Renown
- 2x Apple Tree Seeds