Persona 3 Reload – Isolated Castle Boss Guide

Persona 3 Reload features two kinds of bosses throughout the gameplay, the first ones are the story bosses that you encounter while progressing the game and the other kind of bosses are the Tartarus Bosses. The second kind of boss is the Guardian of Tartarus which you can encounter while on your trips. Isolated Castle is the guardian boss and one of the toughest to beat.

Isolated Castle Persona 3 Reload

In this guide, you will see how to beat Isolated Castle in Persona 3 Reload.

Isolated Castle Tartarus Boss

Isolated Castle is the Tartarus Boss which you can encounter in the 143F of the Tartarus in Tziah Block. It is a difficult boss to deal with because he has no weaknesses and is immune to all of your magical attacks. This means that your physical and magical attacks are not that effective on him. You need to focus on his magical attacks carefully to beat him otherwise he can easily get over you.

Best Team and Personas

As Isolated Castle is immune to all of the magical attacks you need to attack him with more physical hits to give him sufficient damage. You should choose the team that lands more physical hits and give him the damage, Aigis, Yukari and Aragaki are the best picks for this. The preferred Persona for this battle should be the one that is immune to Isolated Castle’s magical attack and the best fit is Yamata-no-Orochi.