Building a bedroll is essential to keep the character active while exploring the realm of the world. Sleeping on the bedroll regenerates the rest. The rest will be shown on the screen just down the HP bar. Roaming in the realms, collecting materials, gathering items, and crafting new valuable recipes all day will decrease the rest bar of the character. It is best to Build the bedroll and sleep over it to regain the rest bar to its maximum state. Protect the rest bar of the character to avoid being yield by sleeping on a Bedroll.

Here’s the guide on How to Build a Bedroll in Nightingale.
How to Build a Bedroll
Rather than affecting the rest bar of the character, the Bedroll can also play an important role in enhancing the stamina and health power as well depending on the location of the bedroll. When building the bedroll under the shelter it will not only let the players rest but also increase the HP along with stamina. To get maximum perks from the bedroll, build the bedroll inside the stick tent.
Building Stick Tent for Bedroll
A stick tent is one of a kind of shelter that can be built from the guidebook. Players don’t need a workbench to build the stick tent. However, the players must have the required materials to build the stick tent. Press the “B” button to open the guidebook. Move into the building section and select the stick tent from the survival section. To build the stick tent, players have to place the rough structure of the bedroll on the ground of the realm. The players have to gather the following materials to build the stick tent.
- 6x Plant Fiber
- 12x Sticks
Building Bedroll inside the Stick Tent
Press the “E” button to add resources to build the stick tent and the players now have to build the bedroll inside the stick tent to maximize the power of the bedroll. Select the bedroll from the resting section by opening the guidebook. Place the raw structure of the Bedroll inside the stick tent and to build the bedroll players have to collect the following required materials to build the bedroll.
- 6x Plant Fiber
- 6x Sticks

Plant fiber can be obtained by simply harvesting the bushes in the realms of the Fae world. Each time harvesting the bushes will not provide the players with plant fiber. The appearance of the plant fiber bushes will change in each realm. Explore the realms and harvest the bushes to get the plant fiber. Sticks can be obtained by harvesting little trees and bushes. Sticks can also be scattered on the ground of the realm. These are the essential materials that players have to collect in maximum amounts from the beginning of the game.
Once the players collect all the required materials, press the “E” key to add resources to build the bedroll. The players can sleep any time of the day and night. Sleeping at night time on a bedroll will gradually enhance stamina, HP, and Rest.