Palworld- How to Get All Starting Tools

Palworld is a new multiplayer game in which the players will craft new structures, build various structures, and get pals which are the creatures in Palworld and they will be helpful in many activities around the world. There are several items in Palworld and weapons are one of the categories of Palworld that the players will craft in the biomes of Palworld. The players have to obtain starting tools to craft new structures. Crafting starting tools at the beginning of the game will make gameplay easy to play as they will be utilized for crafting the structures.

Starting Tools Palworld

Here’s the guide on How to Craft all Starting Tools.

What are all the Starting Tools in Palworld

The Palworld introduces All Starting Tools through which the players can craft new structures. Following is the list of All Starting Tools.

  • Stone Axe
  • Stone Pickaxe
  • Wooden Club
  • Hand-held Torch

The stone Axe in the Palworld is used for cutting wood. Although the Stone Axe is not that powerful yet it is utilized for cutting wood. Stone Pickaxe is a new tool that is used for mining the nodes. Stone Axe is obtained by only crafting. The players can break the rocks with the help of a Stone pickaxe.

Wooden Club is a kind of weapon that is useful during close combat with creatures called Pals. It is also obtained by crafting. The Hand-held Torch is used to light up the dark area to view clearly and also during combat in a closed area.

How to Craft All Starting Tools

For crafting All Starting Tools, players must have Stone and wood in their inventory. Stone can be collected while breaking the big nodes by punching and it can also be randomly collected from the ground as well in the form of small rocks. Wood can be collected by hitting the tree as it drops the wood and it can also be obtained from the ground as well. Cut the trees and get the wood. The materials required to craft All Starting tools are the following.

Starting ToolsRequired Material
Stone Axe5xstone + 5xwood
Stone Pickaxe5xstone + 5xwood
Wooden Club5xwood
Hand-held Torch2xstone + 2xwood
craft all Starting Tools Palworld

To craft the All starting tools use the Primitive Workbench. Move into the Build Menu, grab Primitive Workbench, and place it in any area around the world. Interact with Primitive Workbench to craft All starting tools. Follow the instructions below for crafting.

  1. Select any tool that needs to be crafted.
  2. Click on Start production.
  3. Press the “F” key till the tool is crafted fully.
  4. Pick up the tool.

Open the inventory by pressing the Tab button and store the tools over there to equip. Similarly, craft all the tools using the Primitive workbench. Collect all the required materials and start crafting the tools. To equip the tools, simply open the inventory by pressing the Tab button and clicking on Technology Option, and level 1 the players can select the tool that is required.