Out of the 11 bosses of Blasphemous 2, Orospina, Lady Embroiderer is the fifth one. She is located at the Palace of the Embroideries. She is not as trickier to beat as the earlier bosses, rather an easy one to defeat. After learning all her attacks you can defeat her pretty quickly and easily

How To Defeat Orospina, Lady Embroiderer
Orospina, Lady Embroiderer is the fifth boss of the Blasphemous 2. The fight with her will be in two rounds and can be defeated easily if you learn to read her attacks, doge them and react on them. She seems a deadly personality as compared to earlier ones but not as much difficult to defeat.
Orospina, Lady Embroiderer – Round One
Round One of the Orospina, Lady Embroiderer is relatively easy than the round two. She has four attacks in this round. Below are her attacks in the round one, she would be quite vulnerable in this round.
Lightning Rush

She always start with this move when encountering with her. To launch this attack, she moves to either corner of the arena, hold her sword sparkling with electricity. In this attack she rush towards the other corner of the arena with that lightning sword.
You can doge that attack by jumping over her. Jumping too early over her will make you land on her and can give you damage. When she lands you can quick moves toward her and launch several hits to give sufficient damage.
Crescent Attack

In this attack, Orospina, Lady Embroiderer hide herself behind a Crescent Slash and disappear for a moment and come back to land several hits. To avoid this attack, move away from the blue Crescent Slash.
After that, there will be three Crescents in the middle of arena to make it difficult for you to avoid. In this case rush towards the either corner of arena before the attack end. After the final Crescent, rush towards her and land several hits to give a sufficient damage.
Sword Attack

This attack is relatively easy. She attacks you with her sword but at this time, she is not rushing towards you or the sword is not lightning. This attack can be anticipated quite easily and can be reacted as well to land several high damage hits.
In this attack she put her arms a bit back with her upper body away from you and attack with her sword. You can jump over her to land hits from behind.
Twirl to fire Lightning Arrows

This is the final attack of Orospina, Lady Embroiderer in the first round. In this attack, she twirls in the air and move from one corner of arena to another corner and stand on the threads. In the sky, standing on threads, she will fire three Lightning Arrows towards you simultaneously.
This attack can be anticipated when you see her twirling in the air. Move away from her when she starts twirling so that you make your place in between of the arrows or can jump over them.
Orospina, Lady Embroiderer: Round Two
After taking her 50% of her health, the round two with her get started. Round two is a bit difficult than round one. There are no new attacks in this round but her attacks in the round one get enhanced and she also call two of her golden clones for some time to fight with you.
Enhanced Lightning Arrows

In the round two, the Lightning Arrows attack of Orospina, Lady Embroiderer get enhanced. In the first round, she has to swirl in the air before attacking lightning arrows toward you but now, she only fly on the threads and start attacking 6 lightning arrows towards you. You can move either corner of the arena to avoid these.
Enhanced Crescent Attack

In the round two, the Crescent Attack of Orospina, Lady Embroiderer get enhanced as well. In round one, she only attack one crescent or a few simultaneously which can be avoided easily. However in round two, she cover most of the arena with purple crescents and leave very less safe area for you.
To avoid this move towards either corner of the arena and keep yourself safe from the incoming crescents.
Clone Lightning Arrows
After taking her 75% health, she will call two of her golden clones. Both of them will fly high in the area on the silk. One will be on the left side and the other one on the right side. Each of them fire three Lightning Arrows on you to make it difficult for you to avoid.
These are difficult to doge, if you are in the middle of arena. But if you are in the either corner of the arena, you can avoid them easily.

Related: Blasphemous 2: How To Defeat Lesmes, Incorrupt Sacristan
Orospina, Lady Embroiderer Rewards
After defeating the Orospina, Lady Embroiderer, players will get rewarded 2000 Tears of Atonement and 1 Marks of Martyrdom.
Reward Name | Points |
Tears of Atonement | 2000 |
Marks of Martyrdom | 1 |